Every day new information emerges about human body.Milli.ziz willfully informs that we currently offer
unknown information about the human body, which is like the mysterious
realm:1. The sneezing eyes are absolutely connected.2. The volume of our brain is more than the 4 terabyte memory disk.3. Babies can breathe and know the same until the 7th month.4. Skull skeleton consists of 29 bones.5. During the average life span, 182 million liters of blood pass through the heart.6. The fingerprint appears 3 months after entering the mother's womb.7. The average amount of sulfur found in the human body is in the
amount to kill a dog, to fill a 50-liter tank with oil, 7 to make soap,
and to fix 900 pens of carbon.8. Right-handed people live 9 years longer than left-handed people.9. The length of the veins in our body reaches 100 thousand km on average.10. We lose 80% of our body-nude thanks to our head.11. Our face is blushing in our face.12. The only living thing lying on the back.13. A child 4 years old gives an average of 450 questions per day.14. There are at least 700 active enzymes in the human body.15. The word "I am dying from yuxuzuzlu" is actually correct. Because you are more likely to die of hunger than to die of sleeplessness. Although 10 days of sleeplessness cause death, the human body can last for weeks on hunger.16. Before man dies, an average of 150 trillion pass through his heart.17. We forget 90% of the dreams we see.18. The signals sent by the brain are delivered at a speed of 274 km / h.19. Our brain produces more electrical signals in one day than all the phones on earth.20. Women's heart beat faster than men.
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