
Amazing facts about chocolate

Yazar Unknown Sunday 16 April 2017 0 comments

Chocolate alone or in combination with other ərzaqlar and şirniyyatlar has a really nice tada. Many people feel like guilty after eating chocolate, but they are unaware of the benefits they give to the organisms of a few pieces of chocolate slices a week.
Some studies show that bitter chocolate is rich in flavonoids, which are considered to be powerful antioxidants that protect the body from various diseases. Here are some other amazing facts about chocolate that you do not know:
Chocolate contains caffeine in very small amounts compared to other products, such as coffee and tea.Chocolate is a natural analgetic (painkiller). It is possible to take chocolate treats in front of different aches and treat them.Chocolate is a food that allows the growth and development of benign bacteria in the organism.Only one slice of chocolate has enough energy to run 500 feet.Thanks to its flavonoid content, it protects your skin from sunlight and prevents sunburn.The smell of chocolate enhances the tetra brain waves that provide the state of stretch. This sweetness also affects the release of endorphinin responsible for pleasure and well-being besides serotonin.Chocolate has the ability to increase memory and balance. The reason for this is the flavonoid composition which increases blood flow to the brain for two to three hours after being eaten.
Antibacterial cocoa seeds provide protection against high sugar levels, helping to prevent caries.
Reduce fatigue and improve physical activity (performance).
Thanks to the high antioxidant content of bitter chocolate, it also increases the life expectancy of regular consumers.The chocolate's antioxidant compound affects the heart positively. Eating bitter chocolate, opening barter bars and increasing blood flow. In addition, ərplərin, collected on the vein walls, also helps prevent.Although many people do not believe it, antioxidants contained in chocolate help reduce the weight.When consumed during pregnancy, it helps reduce stress and anxiety and improve your morale.A lot of cosmetic products are available because it helps moisturize the skin and prevent wrinkles.

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