
Once in Europe, giant turtles live

Yazar Unknown Saturday 15 April 2017 0 comments

Scientists have found that giant tortoises do not live in the Galapagos Islands only. The BBC Earth-analyst spoke of these large armored reptiles who used to live in all the continents.

2 million years ago, the first time in the south east of Europe, people were living the Titanochelon species of giant tortoises in the western part of the continent. The greatest endorsement of this is the bone remains found in old hyena nests in Spain.

There are enough numbers of black turtles anda included on our planet living 50 laps.

The most famous land turtle is the Galapagos turtles.

Their bell can be as large as 1 meter in diameter, which translates these creatures into true legend.

There are even such species of turtles that belong to the Chelonoidis nigra family.

Less common are large black turtles living on the other side of the world in the coral islands of the Indian Ocean.

They all belong to one species. Both giant tortoise species that arrive in our days live in the islands and it is probable that they will only arrive at large dimensions at that time so that they will live in an isolated place for a long time during development.

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