
Found 2.5 million gold from the old tank

Yazar Unknown Tuesday 11 April 2017 0 comments
British collector Nik Mid nearly returned millionaires during a day.
The Guardian intentionally reported that he had bought the old T-54 tank, which was once used in Iraq's armed forces, on the eBay online-auction.

A $ 2.5 million gold bullion emerges from the fuel jaw of the tank.

Mid tank got 37 thousand dollars.

"I did not know what to do, I immediately called the police because I did not know going to the bank with 5 gold bullets," - said Nik Mid.

The police confiscated the gold.

The tank he bought from Midin was seized by the international coalition during the Gulf War of 1990-1991. The gold bullion tank is estimated to hide Iraqi troops in Kuwait.

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