
Life found in the solar system

Yazar Unknown Friday 14 April 2017 0 comments

National Aeronautics and Space Research of the United States Agentlyin the "Cassini" planets station revealed that hydrothermal sources may be present below the surface of the natural marsh of the Ensaladic ocean of Saturn.Science reported that in the body of water cranes that gush from Enselad, there is molecular hydrogen at a rate of 1.4 and carbon-dioxide ratio of 0.8. This is important for microbial biosynthesis of methane gas.At the same time, the process of love is showing that hydrothermal resources, that is, life is under the okeans of Saturn's natural order.Even at the site, processes have shown the presence of anaerobic archetype ecosystems, which are primitive microbes in the depths of the oceans.The thermodynamic balance in the depths of Enselad, which is the natural saturn of Saturn, is also distorted.
According to the size of Enselad Saturn, the sixth natural ecstasy is the Moon. Enselad hits a full circuit around the planet for 32.9 hours. Of course, the radius of the earth is 25 and the mass is 200 thousand times less.There is a sparse atmosphere in the nostalgia. There is solid silicate nuclear under the water mantle. Below the ice layer is the ocean.It is estimated that the hydrothermal activity of the innate is drowning in the water +90. Was liked to have made 7 erupoplanets, similar to our planet, around the red dwarf star Trappist-1, located just before ultrasoyuq, 40 light years from Earth.

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