
These people are laughing dead

Yazar Unknown Sunday 16 April 2017 0 comments

B.C. Even for this reason it is possible to encounter deaths. Even if we do not know these people, they have been laughing in history.For the first time in history the Greek philosopher Xrisipp (living in the III century BC) enjoyed his long life and lost his laughing life.Kalxas, a famous priest and a Greek clergyman, died laughing. It is M.Ö. XII century. He invites some clergy to taste the wine from the grape he has grown himself. Kalxi laughed in the honor of one of the guests in the meeting and laughs at that moment of laughter.In 1989, Danish doctor Ole Bentzen died from laughing while looking at the comedy "fish named Wanda" in a queenotheterra.Scottish writer and translator Thomas Urkuhart ruled II When he heard that Charles was returning, he died laughing.Dying from laughter is a kind of heart attack, but not all laughs are tragic, it lowers laughing tension, reduces stress and strengthens memory.

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